Rug Sourcing

Behruz Studio take pride in offering a comprehensive rug sourcing service to cater to your unique preferences and requirements. We understand that finding the perfect rug in a specific style and size can sometimes be a challenge. Through our extensive network of workshops and overseas connections, we have access to a diverse range of rugs available for purchase. 

If you’re seeking a particular rug size, design, colour, or composition that isn’t currently in our inventory, we’ll happily search for you. Our dedicated team will diligently convey all the details of your brief to our overseas contacts, and they’ll leverage their expertise to identify rugs that suit your specifications. From newly woven masterpieces to timeless vintage and antique gems, as well as exclusive designer pieces, we have the resources and knowledge to source all types of rugs. 

Rest assured, we are committed to helping you find the perfect rug, creating a space that is truly exceptional and reflective of your individual style. Allow us to handle the search process and enjoy the seamless experience of our rug sourcing service.